These are the 15 newly Computer Science Inovations:
- ATMs
- Digital photography/videography
- Social networking via the Internet
- Online shopping/ecommerce/auctions
- Mobile phones
- PC/laptop computers
- Bar codes and scanners
- Bio fuels
- GPS systems
- Internet, broadband, WWW (browser and html)
- DNA testing and sequencing/human genome mapping
- Fiber optics
- Non-invasive laser/robotic surgery (laparoscopy)
- Anti-retroviral treatment for AIDS
A Computer Science Innovation I would like is Antiretroviral treatment for AIDS, the Antiretrovial drug helps maintain control of the AIDS virus and help so it wouldnt spread anymore.
This would impact a good amount of people that have AIDS and it would solve people from being scared of people judging them because of some virus that isnt contagious. Ithink this innovation is great and will help out alot of people.

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